Search Results
Spinal burning sensation healed & lady has strange manifestations - John Mellor Miracles
Supernatural burning in spine & chronic pain healed - John Mellor Miracles in Jesus' Name
Freemasonry curse broken & lady healed - John Mellor Miracles & Healing Ministry
Painful slipped spinal discs & sciatica healed - John Mellor Healing Ministry
Chronic painful prolapsed spinal disc miraculously healed - John Mellor Prayer Ministry
Woman amazed when all her fibromyalgia symptoms of pain & burning are healed
Lady healed from painful fractured wrist & feels supernatural fire - John Mellor Miracles
Lady healed from painful abdomen - John Mellor Healing Ministry
Painful spinal injury miraculously healed & full movement restored - John Mellor Healing
Oven burn injury on arm healed - John Mellor Miracles
Spinal arthritis miraculously healed and granny runs - John Mellor Healing Miracles
Painful strained back muscles healed & full movement restored - John Mellor Miracles